All for just $1.99/mo
For every subscription purchased a SOCIETY license will be donated to those struggling to escape hostile environments who are in need of secure communications.
If you are in Afghanistan or Ukraine and need help with secure messaging, access this website from your Android device.
Society is assisting those struggling to escape hostile environments such as Afghanistan and Ukraine. If you are currently in one of these environments and need help with secure messaging tap here:
SOCIETY now supports Media on Demand, allowing you to natively host high-definition images and videos within Communities in a free speech environment with full intellectual property protection. With SOCIETY Private Messaging, you can directly share media within your secure conversations.
SOCIETY is powered by the Cloudless WhiteStar Network, a hybrid Peer to Peer network that allows SOCIETY to have the lowest network surface area of any messenger in existence. This means fewer opportunities for bad guys to intercept your private chats, and sets a new standard for secure messaging.
SOCIETY uses layers of advanced AI to help protect your content. Everything from threat detection to password management, SOCIETY’s security measures are the best in the business. Plus, unlike some other apps, SOCIETY is always encrypted - that means both at rest and in flight - and SOCIETY uses pairwise encryption rather than group encryption to help make sure your content can only be seen by the person you sent it to.